Uncollected Social Security and Medicare Tax on Wages

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Form 8919: Uncollected Social Security and Medicare Tax on Wages

Use Tax Form 8919: Uncollected Social Security and Medicare Tax on Wages as a stand alone tax form calculator to quickly calculate specific amounts for your 2024 tax return. Alternatively you can use one of our Combined Federal and State Tax Estimator to quickly calculate your salary, tax and take home pay.

Uncollected Social Security and Medicare Tax on Wages

Who must file.You must file Form 8919 if all of the following apply.
• You performed services for a firm.
• You believe your pay from the firm wasn't for services as an independent contractor.
• The firm didn't withhold your share of social security and Medicare taxes from your pay.
• One of the reasons listed below under Reason codes applies to you.
Reason codes:For each firm listed below, enter in column (c) the applicable reason code for filing this form. If none of the reason codes apply to you, but you believe you should have been treated as an employee, enter reason code G, and file Form SS-8 on or before the date you file your tax return.
AI filed Form SS-8 and received a determination letter stating that I am an employee of this firm.
CI received other correspondence from the IRS that states I am an employee.
GI filed Form SS-8 with the IRS and haven't received a reply.
HI received a Form W-2 and a Form 1099-MISC from this firm for 2016. The amount on Form 1099-MISC should have been included as wages on Form W-2. (Don't file Form SS-8 if you select reason code H.)
(a) Name of firm(b) Firm’s federal identification number (see instructions) (c) Enter reason code from above(d) Date of IRS
determination or
(see instructions)
(e) Check if Form 1099-MISC was received(f) Total wages received with no social security or Medicare tax withholding and not reported on Form W-2

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